Monday, March 28, 2011



Keris or Kris or Creese is a nickname for a kind of traditional weapons (traditional dagger, sharp weapon), known in Indonesia, particularly in the area of the island of Java, however, in some regions also known as another kind of Keris, such as: Madura, Nusa Tenggara, Sumatra, Kalimantan, and also some areas in Sulawesi. General shape is similar to a double-edged dagger, but is characterized by the existence of several grooves. Usually a keris is made by “Mpu” (nickname expert of Keris maker), and the use of metal materials from outer space of falling meteor, called as meteorite. In the history of Indonesia, there is a popular story about Keris of Ken Arok and also Tunggul Ametung, and the Keris maker Mpu Gandring MPU.


Some of the Keris in Indonesia are usually derived from the relics of antiquity, even in a few museum relics Keris king or related to the history usually kept to be seen again. Based on history, Keris in antiquity used as a weapon to fight or war. Small wounds caused by a keris in battle or war incident reportedly can not be cured even death will result, it is relevant that the Keris blade is usually smeared with the poison is very dangerous. Nicks a few carvings in a keris is usually used to attach or hold the poison. This I know from the parents, when I tried to hold a Keris, they warned not to touch the metal parts because they contain very dangerous toxins.

An image displaying various way on wearing ker...

Image via Wikipedia

Keris is also often associated with events or things mystical and supernatural, this usually are told that the Keris blade to be attended by a “Khadam”. Some people say that the “Khadam” It is an energy, and some are saying about supernatural beings. Not precisely known, but has known several people have tried to communicate with the Keris. Some ancient relics Keris or that is in a museum sometimes treated specially, eg performed the ceremony once a year when Keris was cleaned. This is done maybe to honor the owner of Keris, who formerly was a leader.

Muzium Negara KL50

Image via Wikipedia

A Keris is made of metal are generally equipped with a handle and scabbard made of wood. The handle is usually in the form of dots that resemble the head, sometimes made to form a snake’s head, head of man, or just circle it, etc.. While the glove is made for the container sharp part of the Keris, at the top is equipped with a transverse barrier shape, and usually resembles a boat. At the present time, a Keris is only used as a symbol of authority in certain ceremonies, such as marriage, traditional ceremonies, or as ceremonial weapon, etc.. However, it turns out Keris has been able to become a traditional symbol and a heritage of Indonesia and registered with the UNESCO.